Friday, May 22, 2009


All around the mulberry bush

All around the mulberry bush
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun.
Pop! goes the weasel.

A penney for a spool of thread,
A penney for a needle.
That's the way the money goes.
Pop! goes the weasel.

Up and down the City Road,
In and out of the Eagle,
That's the way the money goes.
Pop! goes the weasel.

Half a pound of tuppenney rice,,
Half a pound of treacle,
Mix it up and make it nice,
Pop! goes the weasel.

Baa, baa, black sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full.

One for my master,
One for my dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives in the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full.

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe.
Get it done by half past two.

Half past two is much too late!
Get it done by half past eight.

Stitch it up, and stitch it down,
And I'll give you a half a crown.

Daffy Down Dilly

Daffy Down Dilly
Has come to town
In a yellow petticoat
And a green gown.

Every lady in this land

Every lady in this land
Has twenty nails -- upon each hand
Five, and twenty on hands and feet:
All this is true without deceit.

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell,

The farmer in the dell,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The farmer in the dell.

The farmer takes a wife,

The farmer takes a wife,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The farmer takes a wife.

The wife takes a child,

The wife takes a child,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The wife takes a child.

The child takes a nurse,

The child takes a nurse,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The child takes a nurse.

The nurse takes the cow,

The nurse takes the cow,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The nurse takes the cow.

The cow takes a dog,

The cow takes a dog,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The cow takes a dog.

The dog takes a cat,

The dog takes a cat,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The dog takes a cat.

The cat takes a rat,

The cat takes a rat,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The cat takes a rat.

The rat takes the cheese,

The rat takes the cheese,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The rat takes the cheese.

The cheese stands alone,

The cheese stands alone,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The cheese stands alone.

This is the house that Jack built.

This is the house that Jack built.

This is the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the priest all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cock that crowed in the morn
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the farmer sowing his corn
That kept the cock that crowed in the morn
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog
That worried the cat
That killed the rat
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill

Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got

And home did trot
As fast as he could caper
Went to bed
And plastered his head
With vinegar and brown paper.

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